Club: U.S. Women’s National Team
Postition on the field: Defense, usually center back
Osaka Hockey Stick: Osaka Pro Tour 100 - Pro Bow

What got you into hockey?
I didn’t start playing until I was around 11/12 years old. Hockey is a bit of a niche sport in the United States and as a child I mostly played soccer and tennis. Then around middle school my mom told me to give field hockey a shot. I turned out to be pretty good and loved playing the sport.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
I’m from Lancaster, PA and the US national team was originally based there, so I got to see them play and train a lot. This was very inspiring as a young high schooler and I still find myself striving to be as much of a presence on the field as those women.
What does hockey mean for you, right now?
Hockey has provided me with incredible opportunities. I’ve been able to meet so many people and travel the world. On top of that, I get to do my passion for work.
What is it like getting to represent your club/ country?
It is amazing. It’s a very humbling reminder, knowing how many people would love to do what we do. We get to live so many athlete’s dreams on a daily basis. I find it such an honor to put on that jersey, with the United States on my chest..
What is your pre-/after game ritual?
I use a lot of visualization. I always walk through my pre-game warm-up, first couple touches on the ball, and first few plays, in my head. I try to imagine what it feels like so, when I get on the field, it’s my second time doing it that day. I also try to find a moment for a prayer to find calmness before the match. After a game I take a moment alone to look back on what went well and what didn’t and gauge my emotions during my recovery roll out. Then connect with a few of my teammates to discuss our collective thoughts.
What is a typical day in your life?
We train in the mornings so I head to the pitch first thing, then after we have lift and some days meetings. We wrap that up around 1, and then I head back home to work. Thankfully I work remotely, so once I’m finished I make some dinner and end my day usually doing something with friends.
What makes you happy?
I love to compete, to win, to play, I just about love any type of challenge. Getting to play with my teammates and work extremely hard towards a goal together, brings me a lot of joy and satisfaction. Next to that I love nature, and being outside. I’m always looking for a nearby hike or a place to camp. I also really enjoy cooking, making yummy food and trying out new recipes to share with friends.
What do you occupy yourself with, besides hockey?
Other than the things I mentioned above, I work for a micro financing organization. We give out loans and grants to small businesses. We support small businesses in any way so they can prosper independently. It’s nice to know that this can be combined with hockey. Most women on the team are very career driven, we have an engineer, a few girls trying to get into the medical field, coaching, I’m honestly inspired by how much each of my teammates get done everyday.
How do you stay 'on top of your game'? (Healthy, driven etc)
I am still fairly young, but I’m starting to recognize the importance of recovery and really taking the time to prioritize it. Like rolling out in the evenings, doing a lot of stability work, finding ways to become faster and more powerful in small areas. During every training I identify two specific objectives to really focus on, so that I stay on top of my skills and am constantly building.
What do you still want to achieve as athlete?
My goal, and my team’s goal, is to qualify for the Olympics and hopefully, eventually, win a medal at the Olympics. I also want to go to a world cup and see us excel at the PanAm’s this year
How do you see hockey evolving in the next couple years?
It’s really clear that hockey is continually getting faster and faster, which is so much fun. We’re finding ways to use the space must more efficiently and go forward a lot faster. And I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more overhead in the women’s game.
What does the Osaka ambassadorship mean to you? In what way has Osaka impacted your journey as an athlete?
It’s huge. It allows me to do all we’ve been talking about, with the best gear on the market. I am extremely well equipped to play at the highest level.
In what way has Osaka impacted your journey as an athlete?
I so appreciate Osaka’s emphasis on lifestyle. It’s not only quality gear, it also looks and feels really good, which is a huge added bonus.
What made you want to team up with Osaka in the first place?
I’ve played with Osaka sticks the past 6 or so years and it just felt like the natural fit to continue with them. Especially now with the training and lounge gear as well as shoes, there’s no other brand I’d want to team up with.
What is your ultimate tip for a starting athlete?
If you’re loving it, keep doing it, and keep finding ways to get better. Keep playing the game, and keep enjoying it.
What would you tell your younger self?
Don’t take life and sport too seriously. Work hard, get better and enjoy it to the fullest.