Club: Argentine National Hockey Team 'Las Leonas'.
Postition on the field: Forward
Osaka Hockey Stick: Osaka Pro Tour 100 - Low Groove

What led you to play field hockey?
When I was a kid, I used to do rhythmic gymnastics. During that time, my mom played field hockey and I used to go with her. One day I was invited to try and play but I could not combine the two sports, so I had to choose one. And here I am, still playing the game.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
My family. My mom, my dad, and my brother, Fede. For me, in my sports career, especially when I was younger, to have had such people close to me, to motivate me and feel their unconditional support, was fundamental. To this day, nothing has changed. By getting older I became more aware of how life works, and I admire them even more. And that is not because they are my relatives, but it is for their way of working and their perseverance, their perseverance to achieve what they set out to do.
What does field hockey mean for you, right now?
Field hockey is a part of me. My home has always been on a field hockey pitch. Packing my hockey bag, sticks and boots is part of my routine. How can I not love something I do almost every day? It motivates me, I enjoy doing it, it makes me want to be the best version of myself.
Now it is even more special because we are starting the Olympic process for Paris 2024 with the national team. We have a big dream ahead of us.
What is it like getting to represent your club/ country?
It is impossible to explain. Representing your country generates sensations that cannot be put into words. It is an honor and an immense pride to represent the blue and white jersey from my country, Argentina.
What is your pre-/after game ritual?
I do not have a specific ritual. There was a time when I always forgot something, so now before I go to a game or a training, I check everything a thousand times.
What is a typical day in your life?
Most of the time it is filled with trainings, but I try to organize it so I can have my personal moment.
My day always starts with having breakfast, obviously, and then going training in the morning. Sometimes we train in the afternoon, depending on that I will take a nap in the afternoon. If I don't have training, other plans always pop up. My favorite time of the day is eating a snack (here in Europe they don't do that but it's like a second breakfast), after that I study or I take a moment for myself.
What makes you happy?
My friends and family are important to me and I enjoy being around them. I also like going to Argentina so I can be with my hometown friends in my house in Cordoba. I also like hugging a lot. A hug speaks for itself, it needs no words.
What do you do besides field hockey?
I study Psychology. When I came to play in Europe, my level of English was not great. So, I also had to start studying English. When I have some free time, I practice that as well.
How do you stay 'on top of your game'? (Healthy, driven etc)
Having balance in my life is important to me. Knowing how to find the moments to adjust and focus on my goals and giving myself a few days of relaxation, enjoying other things. Training and working hard is important, but you must find a balance between the things you enjoy.
What do you still want to achieve as athlete?
To win an Olympic gold medal. Just imagining winning and having that medal hanging around my neck alone, gives me goose bumps.
How do you see the evolution of field hockey (in general) in the coming years?
It will keep growing over the coming years, that is for sure. Right now, there are a lot of people practicing the sport everywhere in the world.
What does the Osaka ambassadorship mean to you?
I am very happy with Osaka. It is like working with your friends and family. Osaka gives me good vibes and energy. At the beginning, like every change in life, it gives you uncertainty because beyond what one sees, perceives, or is told, each personal experience is unique, and it was a big challenge to be working with this brand. Fortunately, the people at Osaka are very friendly and from the beginning, there was a good connection. And the most important thing is that we work with the same human values.
How has Osaka influenced your career as an athlete?
With Osaka, I went for a new look. I started playing with a headband, Osaka has many of them. Osaka has had a positive influence on and off the field. They always try to support me as much as they can. When we first started, we had to figure out which stick was the right one, but I got along with the Low Groove quickly, I like it a lot.
What prompted you to team up with Osaka?
It was a brand that I liked a lot, I saw it with a lot of personality. They have a lot of colors and a style of their own, which I like. When we first had contact, they ended up convincing me with their values and ways of working.
What is your most important advice for a beginner athlete?
Make your own path. Everyone has their own special moments and moves at their own pace.
You can watch and admire other players but do not compare yourself or want to be equal because that is impossible. Enjoy the process and enjoy playing the game.
What would you tell your younger self?
To never lose that positive energy but know that perfectionism does not exist. Perfectionism blinds us and it fuels our desire to constantly grow. To enjoy making mistakes and failing. In the end everything is a learning process.
Anything else you want to add?
Only more beautiful moments together with Osaka.